James Wo
James WoJames Wo

James Wo

Founder & CEO
James is an early investor and experienced entrepreneur in the digital asset space. He saw through the potential of companies such as LedgerX, Coinlist, Circle, and 3iQ, as well as blockchain ecosystems such as Polkadot and Kusama networks. He has made significant contributions to the ecosystem through capital allocations and donations, and actively supports Parachain auctions.


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平 将明

衆議院議員、元・内閣府副大臣 デジタル社会推進本部web3PT座長

He also serves as PT chair on the evolution and implementation of Liberal Democratic Party AI, Liberal Democratic Party Fusion Energy PT chair, Liberal Democratic Party new capitalism executive headquarters secretary general, etc. Former Deputy Minister of the Cabinet Office (2019.9 to 2020.9 in charge of disaster prevention, administrative reform, IT policy, science and technology innovation, space policy, etc.) Former Deputy Minister of the Cabinet Office (2014.9-2015.10 in charge of regional revitalization, national strategic special zones, Cool Japan Strategy, Okinawa-related policies, etc.) Former Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Parliamentary Affairs Officer on 2022/1/26, became the Liberal Democratic Party Digital Society Promotion Headquarters NFT Policy Review PT Chair. On March 30, “NFT White Paper - Japan's NFT Strategy with an Eye on the Web 3.0 Era -” was published as the Liberal Democratic Party Digital Society Promotion Headquarters NFT Policy Review PT Chair. Revolutionary, world-leading papers and evaluations created without bureaucratic intervention. On 9/13, he appeared on the NewsPicks (social economy media) program “THE UPDATE” and said, “What maximizes the value of analog is digital. The optimal organizational tool is DAO (DAO).” It won the “King of Comment Award” for commenting. On December 8, he was honored by the “NPO corporation Mannen Opposition Party” as a member of the 208th Diet three-star parliament (receiving the award for the fourth time, and the reason for receiving the award was “realizing a new method of policy making, such as compiling Liberal Democratic Party white papers related to Web3”). The Liberal Democratic Party led discussions on tax system reform, and tokens held by the company were not subject to year-end market value evaluations from 2024/4, and tokens not for short-term trading purposes held by a third party were excluded from year-end market value evaluations.
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松下 新平

参議院政治論理審査会長 & 参議院議員

Born in August Showa 41 in Takaoka-cho, Miyazaki-shi, Miyazaki-ken (56 years old) Graduated from Hosei University Second Faculty of Law, Department of Political Science in Heisei 4/3 Joined Miyazaki Prefectural Office in Heisei 3/4 Heisei 11/4 Miyazaki Prefectural Assembly Member Elected (2nd term) Elected in the 20th House of Councilors election in Heisei 16/7 Heisei 22/7 22nd House of Councilors re-elected in the 22nd House of Councilors election 2011/6 Chairman of the House of Councilors Disaster Response Special Committee 2012/12 Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism 2013/10 Liberal Democratic Party Political Affairs Research Committee Vice Chairman, House of Councilors Liberal Democratic Party Policy Council Vice Chairman 2014/10 Liberal Democratic Party General Affairs Division Chairman 2015/10 Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications and Deputy Minister of the Cabinet Office Heisei 28/7 24th House of Councilors election re-elected Heisei 29/8 Liberal Democratic Party Personnel Bureau Director Heisei 30/10 Liberal Democratic Party Foreign Affairs Chairman Reiwa 1/9 Liberal Democratic Party Finance Division Chairman Reiwa 2/10 House of Councilors Special Committee on Official Development Assistance (ODA), etc. Reiwa 3/12 House of Councilors Special Committee on Establishing Political Ethics and Election Systems Reiwa 4/10 House of Councilors Political Ethics Review Chairman
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