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Asal Alizade
Asal Alizade
Co-Founder, CEO
コンピュータ工学のバックグラウンドを持つアサル氏は、2017年にブロックチェーン業界に参入し、ヘッジファンドやベンチャーキャピタルなどの投資機関におけるプロジェクトデューデリジェンスのテクニカルアナリストとしてキャリアをスタートしました。 その後、サービスプロバイダーやスタートアップ企業で様々な役職を経験した後、アサル氏はBlocklogica Labsの創設チームに参加しました。同社では、トップクラスのWeb3プロジェクトの成長、インキュベーション、資金調達を支援する役割を担っています。
Blocklogica Labs (VC)
Blocklogica Labs (VC)
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小田 玄紀
Mr. Genki Oda is an entrepreneur, investor, and business revitalization expert who serves as the representative director (chairman) of the Japan Crypto Asset Exchange Association (JVCEA), the managing executive officer of SBI Holdings, and the representative director of Bitpoint Japan Co., Ltd. Since establishing our own company in 2001, we have launched various businesses. In 2016, he founded the cryptocurrency exchange Bitpoint and became its CEO. In 2019, he was selected as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum.
児玉 健
Group CEO
Ken Kodama began his career as a certified financial planner providing financial planning services to clients. During this period, he began his research on digital assets and cryptocurrencies. After becoming convinced of its enormous influence on traditional industries, he completely switched to the blockchain industry in 2014. Ken Kodama launched the Cardano blockchain with Charles Hoskinson in 2015 and became one of Cardano's early co-founders. And in 2015, we founded EMURGO to focus on commercial development of the Cardano ecosystem. Since then, Ken Kodama has led EMURGO's rapid global expansion, launched EMURGO academies in India and Indonesia, trained developers who are ambitious to build Web3 applications on Cardano, and developed Cardano's first official light wallet “Yoroi Wallet” in 2018 to prepare for Cardano's Web3 era.
大塚 雄介
早稲田大学大学院修了、物理学修士号取得。株式会社ネクスウェイでB2B向けITソリューションの営業・事業戦略・開発設計を担当。レジュプレス株式会社に参画(2017年4月よりコインチェック株式会社に社名変更)。2014年2月に取締役に就任。2018年4月にコインチェック株式会社がマネックスグループ株式会社の子会社となると同時に執行役員に就任し、マーケティング・事業開発などを統括。2021年4月執行役員を経て、2023年9月より執行役員web3Cloud事業本部長。組込型の暗号資産購入サービス「Coincheck OnRamp」をはじめとするweb3Cloud事業を管掌。2024年9月より執行役員CBDOに就任。 *CBDO(Chief Business Development Officer):最高事業開発責任者
金森 伽野
京都大学工学研究科修了、同年 ソニー株式会社に入社。プロダクト設計開発・商品企画・マーケティング業務に従事。その後、ネット証券でフィンテック新規事業立ち上げ、カスタマーエクスペリエンスCX戦略推進などを経験。2022年 ソニー銀行入社、現在はソニー銀行 DX事業企画部長としてweb3関連の新規事業企画を推進、SNFT株式会社兼務。
天羽 健介
Joined Recruit Co., Ltd. in 2007. After experiencing multiple new business development, he joined Coincheck Co., Ltd. in 2018. It mainly oversees departments in charge of new business development, new handling of crypto assets, and external relations with industry groups, etc. Since 2020, as an executive officer, he has created new businesses such as the first Japanese crypto asset exchange NFT marketplace and Japan's first IEO. He became the representative director of Coincheck Technologies in 2021 and the managing executive officer of Coincheck in 2022/6. As a business manager in the Web3 domain, he leads the NFT business, metaverse business, etc. Under the partnership that the company and Animoca Brands signed in 2020, they are also involved in the Japanese expansion of “The Sandbox” and “Otherside.” Currently, he serves as an advisor for the Japan Crypto Asset Business Association (JCBA), the Shibuya-ku startup ecosystem, the web3 project “OASIS”, and LIFULL Co., Ltd. His books include “Textbook of NFT” and “Non-Fungibble Me” (Asahi Shimbun Publishing).
James Wo
創業者 & CEO
James is an early investor and experienced entrepreneur in the digital asset space. He saw through the potential of companies such as LedgerX, Coinlist, Circle, and 3iQ, as well as blockchain ecosystems such as Polkadot and Kusama networks. He has made significant contributions to the ecosystem through capital allocations and donations, and actively supports Parachain auctions.
Tony Gu
Managing Partner
Tony Gu is a general partner at NGC Ventures. Prior to founding NGC Ventures, he was a general partner at Rhodium Capital, a cross-border buyout advisory firm. Tony focuses on large-scale buyout deals in North Asian countries and has completed multiple deals in the technology, financial services, and consumer sectors, with a total transaction value of over $1 billion.
Tobias Bauer
GP & Co-Founder
Tobias Bauer is a partner of Blockchain Founders Fund, which invests in top tier startups and builds ventures. He is a startup mentor for 500 Startups, APX, PlugandPlay, NUMA New York, and Alchemist Accelerator, and is a venture partner of Republic. He worked on the investment team at Chin Accelerator, a global elite accelerator program run by SOSV in China, and managed over $907M of AUM. Additionally, he worked for the German government in Thailand and helped students build professional careers as a co-organizer of the NSTF Career Fair, which attracted 1.1 million visitors. In the past, I have lived in 15 cities in 9 countries and am fluent in Chinese, English, and German. Tobias has earned a Master of Management + CEMS Master of Management from the National University of Singapore and Tsinghua University with honors, and a bachelor's degree in management and law from the Innsbruck Management Center and Southwest University of Finance and Economics.
Head of Ventures
Sophia is the head of the venture division of GSG, a leading crypto asset management firm based in Singapore with over $200 million in asset management. In this role, she oversees early-stage venture investment and advisory services for companies. With a background in technology, Sophia has been engaged in business digitalization and building new ventures for over 10 years. She is passionate about supporting promising entrepreneurs of the future and strengthening the power of unrepresented groups. In her spare time, she enjoys giving back to her community and supporting causes that matter to her. She is an active mentor and advisor to promising entrepreneurs and is committed to empowering others to use her skills and expertise to achieve their goals. Sophia's education includes a bachelor's degree from the National University of Singapore (NUS) and an MBA from Columbia Business School. Her combination of technology and business expertise is why she excels in the field of crypto investments and is highly regarded for her strategic insight and investment acumen.
舘林 俊平
Joined KDDI Corporation in 2006. Since 2012, he has been involved in the venture support program KDDI∞ Labo, venture investment funds, and KDDI Open Innovation Fund, and is mainly responsible for investments and alliances in the sports, entertainment, and XR areas. He has been in current position since 2023/4.