David Bennett
David BennettDavid Bennett

David Bennett

Chief Customer Officer (CCO)
David Bennett is the Chief Customer Officer (CCO) of TenTorrent Inc., a unicorn company that handles AI, machine learning, and RISC-V technology. He has successively held positions such as Lenovo Japan President and CEO, and AMD Vice President, etc., and has over 15 years of management experience in the global technology industry. Contributed to the acquisition of large-scale projects, such as Japan's GIGA school concept (4.2 million units) and India's mega project (1.5 million units). Currently, he is also active as a visiting professor at Yamagata University and a Sanrio director, and is also focusing on education, work style reform, and the game PC market. He studied at Waseda University and Gakushuin Women's University as a government scholarship student from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and graduated from the University of Toronto.
Tenstorrent Inc.


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