平井 卓也
平井 卓也平井 卓也

平井 卓也

Liberal Democratic Party Public Relations Division Director, Digital Society Promotion Division Manager
Born in 1958 in Takamatsu, Kagawa. Graduated from Sophia University, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Department of English. After working as president and representative director of Dentsu Inc., Nishinihon Broadcasting Corporation, etc., he was elected for the first time in the 42nd House of Representatives election in 2000. Since then, he has been elected 9 times in a row. He has successively held positions such as Liberal Democratic Party Economy, Industry, and General Affairs Department Chairman, Political Affairs Research Committee Vice Chairman, Cabinet Office (in charge of IT) Minister Parliamentary Vice-Minister, Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Cabinet Standing Committee Chairman, etc., and led the Liberal Democratic Party's IT policy as the chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party IT Strategy and Special Mission Committee. Minister in charge of IT and Minister in charge of special missions (science and technology/intellectual property strategy/Cool Japan strategy/space policy) were appointed in the 4th Abe Remodeling Cabinet in Heisei 30/10. Minister in charge of digital reform took office in the Suga Cabinet in Reiwa 2. The first Minister of Digital Affairs took office in Reiwa 3. Currently, Liberal Democratic Party Public Relations Division Director and Digital Society Promotion Division Manager.


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