Samson Lee (commonly known as Sam) is a prominent entrepreneur and fintech executive with over 25 years of experience in the digital economy industry. It has promoted the development of the Web3 industry and promoted the commercialization of numerous Web3, blockchain, and digital asset projects in international markets. Currently, Sam is the founder and CEO of CoinStreet, an advisory and consulting firm specializing in the digital asset sector, which was established in 2017. Coinstreet is the parent company of CSPRO, which was the first in Hong Kong to obtain a license to operate an STO (security token offering) and subscription platform, and the group company iShang provides total solutions for Web3-as-a-Service technology platforms, more than 10 longitudinal applications and practical consulting services, and provides mainstream brands and enterprises We are supporting Web3 transformation. Mr. Lee received his MBA and Master of Science degrees from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and his Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Toronto. It is actively working to support the development of Hong Kong's fintech and Web3 industry, and its results include winning the “Asia Futurist Leadership Award”, receiving the 2021 FinTech Proof of Concept Subsidies Scheme by the Hong Kong Financial Services and Treasury (FSTB), and winning the “Security Tokens Realized Awards London 2020” . He is also a co-organizer of the TADS Awards, which is the world's first international award for tokenized assets and digital securities, a series of seminars aimed at popularizing digital assets, and the Digital Asset Series. He co-authored the “Digital Assets” chapter in “Welcome to a New Era of Finance - Hong Kong's Fintech Practices and Perspectives” published by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and is the co-chair of the Asia Pacific Institute of Digital Economics, co-founder and co-chair of the Hong Kong Web3 Association, co-founder of the Shenzhen Ethereum Community, and an independent director of DSS (NYSE: DSS).